Tips to Maintain Exceptional Oral Hygiene

We’re always told growing up the importance of cleaning your teeth, but are you still adhering to all you were taught about it? It is imperative that we take care of our adult teeth, or the consequences can include pain, loss of teeth and costly treatments. To avoid these, follow these tips on how to maintain exceptional oral hygiene.

Brush your teeth regularly and correctly

You could brush your teeth every day, but if you’re not brushing them right, then you may have slightly wasted efforts. To brush properly, use a soft-bristled brush at a 45-degree angle at the gums and go back and forth in short strokes across the teeth. Make sure you get the outsides, interior surfaces and surfaces where chewing takes place. Clean the interior surfaces of your front teeth at a vertical angle to make it easier. Always make sure you get the gum line as well.

You should only brush for about two minutes. Some people believe that brushing harder for longer is helping, but really this can be wearing away the enamel. A gentle, but slightly firm brush is all you need. Repeat this twice daily.

Use an Electric toothbrush Vs. Manual toothbrush

Many dentists recommend electric toothbrushes because they can do more for you than a manual toothbrush can do alone. While you are brushing back and forth, electric toothbrushes also have rotating heads that help clean the surfaces better than manual brushing. This action can help get rid of surface stains.

You get a more effective, deeper clean with an electric toothbrush than you would with a manual, and many electric toothbrushes on the market now have a timer on them to help prevent over-brushing as well as a sensor that will turn it off if you are brushing too hard.

However, many people still prefer a manual toothbrushing. There is usually a bigger head on it, and they are available in different strengths such as soft, medium and hard bristles. They’re also significantly cheaper. However, electric toothbrush prices are dropping, making them more available than ever.

The importance of flossing

You should make it a habit to floss teeth between brushes. Brushing alone cannot reach between the teeth. Any food and bacteria here will cause decay, so flossing is essential. With convenient floss sticks available to buy from most supermarkets and chemists, which can be taken with you on the go, there is no excuse not to take a minute to floss!

Use mouthwash

A mouthwash should be part of your regular oral hygiene routine but never to replace brushing or flossing. Mouthwash freshens the breath as well as helping gum and tooth health, especially fluoride rinses that can protect against bacteria. Timing can be key when swishing around mouthwash. Most dentists recommend 30 seconds to a minute before spitting.

Understand how your diet impacts oral hygiene

Sugary food and drinks are terrible for our teeth. The added refined sugars contribute to tooth decay. It is important to have a well-balanced diet that is full of nutrients, avoiding snacks in between meals if possible. If you do, choose a snack that has no added sugar. Don’t forget to have calcium-rich foods like milk and yoghurts that help strengthen teeth.

Of course, the biggest way to maintain good oral health is to visit your dentist regularly. At JC Dental, the whole family can get their check-up and cleaning to ensure teeth are healthy. If there are any issues, they can usually be caught early with regular check-ups and treated before they become more troublesome.

Contact our dental office in Southport today to arrange for an appointment with one of our fantastic dental hygienists.

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