Dental calculus (or tartar) is a common dental problem but one that is extremely easy to prevent with good oral hygiene. What is Calculus? Calculus, often referred to as tartar, is hardened plaque that forms on the teeth and gum line. This mineral build-up is impossible to remove by brushing alone and can cause a…

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Feeling anxious about taking your child to the dentist for the first time? A trip to the dentist’s office doesn’t need to be a scary thing for either the parent or the child. Follow our helpful tips on how to prepare both your child and yourself for their first trip to see the dentist. 1.…

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Your teeth are designed to be strong and sturdy to help rip through and chew food, but unfortunately, they are still vulnerable to chips and cracks, often due to blunt trauma. Accidents that occur while playing sports or falling are common ways of causing a chipped or cracked tooth, and they can also be caused…

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Our oral health is incredibly important and, like other aspects of our physical health, should not be neglected. Unfortunately, there are many myths floating around about how to care for your teeth including causes of problems and quick fixes. JC Dental is here to help separate fact from fiction and bring some truth to the…

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In Australia, healthcare cover and insurance generally offer dental in policies or as an add-on. Unfortunately, many choose not to use their included dental cover, consequently letting included check-ups and treatments to go to waste. What type of health or dental insurance do I need? In Australia, there is no such as thing as just…

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What You Should Know About Cavities Cavities are one of the most common health problems in the world. Anyone who has teeth are susceptible to cavities, but they are especially prevalent in children, including teenagers and older people. Cavities may seem like a scary thing, but they needn’t be with a little understanding. What are…

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We’re always told growing up the importance of cleaning your teeth, but are you still adhering to all you were taught about it? It is imperative that we take care of our adult teeth, or the consequences can include pain, loss of teeth and costly treatments. To avoid these, follow these tips on how to…

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Enamel Hypoplasia is a defect of the teeth in which the tooth enamel is chalky, thin, and weak. It is caused by the improper or defective formation of enamel, which is the outer covering of your tooth. Enamel Hypoplasia leaves teeth vulnerable to damage and decay and often takes the form of grooves, pits, or…

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Teeth whitening is a procedure that removes discolouring and stains from the teeth, making them appear lighter. There are many causes of discolouration, including drinking coffee, tea, and red wine, some medications, and smoking. Many people use teeth whitening to freshen their smile and improve their appearance. The process of teeth whitening uses peroxide products…

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